(Theory - 60 hrs, CE - 30 hrs)
• Tostrengthentheexperienceofadopting modern strategies and to undertakecontextualchallengesasaScienceEducationprofessional
• Togetafieldbasedunderstandingoftheoriesandprinciplesofpupilassessmentandevaluation
• ToidentifytheEntrepreneurialopportunitiesoffuturisticsignificanceassociatedwiththePhysicalScienceeducation.
• Toenrichthevisionandcapabilitiesofprospectivescienceteachersasreflectivepractitionersduringandafterthepre-serviceeducation.
Unit 1: Modern Instructional Strategies in Physical Science Education
Unit 2: Strategies of Assessment in Physical Science Education
Unit 3: Material Design for Curriculum Transaction in e-platform
Unit 4: Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner
Unit 1: Modern Instructional Strategies in Physical Science (20 + 6= 26 hrs)
Learning Outcome | Major concepts | Strategies & Approaches | Assessment |
To familiarize modern instructional approaches for classroom learning 2. To acquaint with the concept of online learning and blended learning 3. To identify special education needs of slow learners, fast learners, scientifically gifted and creative learners | Online learning, blended learning-Meaning and purpose • Brain based learning strategy • Experiential learning approach • Modern instructional approaches for learning- Jigsaw technique, circle learning, concept mapping, think-pair and share • Science education for students with special education needs- slow learners, fast learners, scientifically gifted and creative learners | Meaningful verbal expression Group discussion Brain storming Peer tutoring Seminar | Questioning • On-task behaviour in class • Participant observation |
Unit 2: Strategies of Assessment in Physical Science Education (30 +6 =36hrs)
Learning Outcome | Major concepts | Strategies & Approaches | Assessment |
1. To understand the construction of achievement and diagnostic test 2. To familiarize with continuous and comprehensive evaluation and grading system 3. To develop rubrics for CCE assessment, self reflection and peer evaluation 4. To understand the concept of self reflection and peer evaluation 5. To acquaint with online assessment and experience different practices | Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Grading system • Achievement test-construction • Diagnostic test-construction, remedial instruction • Assessment of thinking skills- critical and creative thinking- assessment of process skills in Physical Science • Concept of self reflection and peer evaluation-development and practice of rubrics • Rubrics for assessment of assignments, projects, debates, seminars, discussion | Meaningful verbal expression Group discussion Preparation of rubrics Buzzer sessions Seminar | Questioning • Class test • Read Aloud • Assessment of rubrics • Participant observation • Concept paper preparation |
Unit 3: Material Design for Curriculum Transaction in e-platform (15 + 4 = 19hrs)
Learning Outcome | Major concepts | Strategies & Approaches | Assessment |
1. To understand the concept of curriculum transaction material design 2. To familiarize with various curriculum transaction materials using techno pedagogy 3. To design and develop techno pedagogic curriculum transaction materials for learning physical science 4. To understand and develop econtent for teaching various topics of physical science 5. To explore the ways to develop an educational entrepreneur in science education | E-learning-Nature and scope Techno Pedagogic curriculum transaction materials- Digital texts-brief explanationdesigning of digital texts • E content development- steps • Development of e-content material on any topic in Physical Science | Digital Modular Exposition Explicit teaching Collaborative designing sessions Individual / group presentation | Rubric based assessment of individual performance • Think Aloud Sessions |
Unit 4: Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner (15 + 4 = 19 hrs)
Learning Outcome | Major concepts | Strategies & Approaches | Assessment |
1. To familiarize with reflective practices 2. To be a reflective practitioner | • Reflective practitioner-Meaning, modes and means of reflective practices- Models of reflective practices – Schon and Kolb | Narrative expression in small or medium groups Document analysis Debate Think Aloud | Reflective Journal Analysis • Participant observation • Localised designing and development of tools of reflection by the student teacher, postings of reflection in blogs and forums |
• BrownS.&SmithB.(1997):GettingtoGripswithAssessment.:,Birmingham,SEDA.
• FundaOrnek, Issa M. Saleh (Eds.) (2012): Contemporary Science Teaching Approaches: Promoting Conceptual Understanding in Science: USA,
Information Age Publishing Group.
• GermaineL.Taggart(1998):Rubrics:AHandbookforConstructionandUse:Virginia,Rowman&LittlefieldEducation.
• HabeshawS.,GibbsG.&Habeshaw,T.(1993):53InterestingWaystoAssessyourStudents:Trowbridge Frederick M. Hess (2006): Educational
Entrepreneurship: realities, challenges, possibilities: Harvard, Harvard Education Press.
• Mariamma Mathew (2014): Teaching science for biological and physical sciences: NAS Publishers: Kerala
• RadhaMohan(2007): Innovative Science Teaching: New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
• RenaM.Palloff&KeithPratt(2009):AssessingtheOnlineLearner:SanFrancisco,Jossey-Bass.
• TonyGhaye(2011):TeachingandLearningThroughReflectivePractice(SecondEdition):NewYork,Rutledge.
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