Teaching skill is a group of teaching acts or behaviours intended to facilitate pupil's learning directly or indirectly. They are
IDENTIFIABLE Teaching skills can be identified by analyzing teaching behaviours.
OBSERVABLE Teaching skills can be observed
MEASURABLETeaching skills can be measured by simple observation, by making observation schedule and check list.
The process which helps to learn to teach is called Microteaching.
The term MICROTEACHING was first coined by D. W. Allen at Stanford University in 1963.
“Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class, size time.”
What is Microteaching?
Micro teaching is not a teaching but it is a process of learning to teach, in which
Small teacher (Student –Teacher) teaches
small unit of content to the
small group of students (5-8 number) in a
small amount of time (5-7 min.) in a
Simulated condition( Artificial Classroom)
Therefore it is a strategy to train inexperienced student-teachers for acquiring teaching skills.
D.W.Allen (1966) “Microteaching is defined as a system of controlled practice, that makes it possible to concentrate on specified teaching behaviour and to practice teaching under controlled conditions.”
Orientation of student-teachers
Discussion of Teaching Skills
Selection of a particular teaching skill
Preparation of a model demonstration lesson (on a particular skill)
Observation of the model lesson
Actual practice for the development of a particular skill
Micro Teaching Cycle - Plan, Teach, Feedback, Replan, Reteach, Refeedback
Step I: Orientation of student-teachers
Necessary theoretical background about microteaching must be given to student-teachers with regard to
1.Concept of microteaching
2. Significance of microteaching
3. Procedure of microteaching
4. Requirements and settings needed for microteaching
Step 2: Discussion of Teaching Skills
Discussions are made with emphasis on the following:
1.Analysis of teaching into component teaching skills (BB WRITING, INTRODUCING A LESSON)
2. The rationale and role of these teaching skills in teaching
3. The component teaching behaviours comprising various teaching skills .
Step III :Selection of a particular teaching skill
A particular skill is defined to the student-teachers in terms of specific teaching behaviours &objectives with such behaviours aim at teaching
Step IV :Preparation of a model demonstration lesson (on a particular skill)
Depending on the availability of the resources and type of skill involved, demonstration or model lesson can be given in a number of ways like
By providing written material
By exhibiting a film or videotape
By making the student-teachers listen to an audio tape
By arranging a demonstration (by teacher educator/expert demonstrate the use of the skill)
Step V : Observation of the model lesson
An observation schedule of the particular skill is prepared and training on how to use it is given to the students.
Step VI : Actual practice for the development of a particular skill
The actual practice of the selected skill is carried out through a series of steps, collectively known as the microteaching cycle.
Step- I : Micro Lesson Plan
Step-II : Teach 6Min.
Step-III : Feedback Session 6 Min.
Step-IV : Re-plan 12 Min.
Step-V : Re-teach 6 Min.
Step-VI : Re-feedback 6 Min. --------------- Total 36 Min. (Appr.)
a) Planning the microlesson
The student-teacher prepares a microlesson by selecting a suitable topic concentrating on one skill at a time taking a small content considering the behavioural components involved in the skill
b)Teaching the microlesson (role-playing)
The student-teacher teaches the prepared microlesson to a small group of students in simulated condition. supervisor and peers can observe the class observations are noted in specifically developed performa class can be videotaped/recorded
c) Feedback
On the basis of the observation of a lesson, the supervisor/
observers/recordings gives immediate feedback to the student teacher. It reinforces the instances of effective use of the skill and draws attention to the points where the student teacher needs to do better - suggestions to improve the skill.
d) Re- plan session (by the st- tr to do re teach)
In the light of the feedback given by the supervisor, the Student Teacher re-plans the lesson plan (same lesson or a different lesson) in order to learn and use the component skills attempted, in more effective manner, in the second trial.)
e)Reteach session
The revised micro-lesson is re-taught in simulated conditions(preferably, different, but comparable group)
f) Refeedback sessionThe re-taught micro-lesson is observed and student-teacher is provided with re-feedback. It brings another dimension to the component skills.
The “ teach - Re-teach” cycle may be repeated several times till adequate mastery level is achieved.
Duration of teaching as well as number of students are less.
Content is divided into smaller units.
Only one teaching skill is considered at a time.
Provision of immediate feedback.
In micro teaching cycle, there is facility of re-planning, re-teaching and re-evaluation.
It puts the student-teacher under the microscope
All the faults of the teacher are observed and corrected.
The problem of discipline can also be controlled.
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